One full day = One bad sun burn
So beautiful
Don't smile, there's nothing to be happy about.
View above Karon Beach.
Boat ride to Koh Phi Phi.
Above Kho Phi Phi after a morning run.
Above Kho Phi Phi.
The standard Thailand marketing tool, secluded right?
What it's really like, just to the right of the previous photo.
These signs were everywhere, for good reason of course.
I've got nothing to say for this one.
Awe, so cute. Now look to the right. Ooh, not so cute.
Our sweet jungle bungalow.
Just another day at Ton Sai.
Above Railey East with Ton Sai in the distance. We hiked to this viewpoint with a couple from Durango.
The slippery hike down to the cove. So hard core.
Now pose.
Siri and her artistic ingenuity.
At the bottom of the cove. A couple hundred feet down.
The hike out.
Deep water solo trip, Siri is on her way up.
It's harder than it looks, trust me.
An epic day.
What a loser.
Stunning views everywhere you look.
The start of the trip home. After a day of climbing at Escher Wall Siri and I worked our way through this cave which was a short cut back to Ton Sai.
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