July 14, 2012

Colorful India

Our trip through India was a whirlwind of activity and chaos, as we travelled from Kathmandu to Varanasi to Rishikesh to Dharamsala to Delhi to Mumbai to Delhi. We spent a lot of time on trains and in rickshaws, and had a few memorable near-death experiences by bus. Here are some photos of the events in between.

Some of the unique wildlife along the Nepal-India border.

Pilgrims coming to worship the great Ganga, Varanasi

There is a place for everything in Varanasi. Here, the freshly cleaned cloth is laid out to dry. 10 feet away is the ledge where everyone poops, and beyond that is the place to get your head shaven.

Bathers and worshippers placing prayers in the water during the evening ceremony, Varanasi

Floating prayers

The wide and beautiful Ganga at sunset, Rishikesh

A lonely cow near the Ram Jula bridge, Rishikesh

Beautiful illegal art at the Beatles Ashram, Rishikesh

An homage to many great spiritual and musical leaders, Beatles Ashram, Rishikesh

The Sri Ved Niketan Ashram crew (Germany, Taiwan, Scotland, New Zealand), Rishikesh

The beautiful dilapidated structures, Beatles Ashram, Rishikesh

Mmm, plastic bag! You can tell which cows eat the most garbage by the amount of mucus exiting their noses

Sri Ved Niketan Ashram, home of Charlie Alpha, Rishikesh

Tibetan-style meeting room at the Chonor House, McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala

The Dalai Lama's inner temple, McLeod Ganj. He gets the big golden chair. The art in here is breathtaking.

A view of the mountains surrounding Dharamsala

Prayer wheels surrounding the Dalai Lama's temple. Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum

India's original Hard Rock Cafe, complete with motorcycle and stylish belt buckle

Me so generously giving the local animals a taste of my delicious rice pudding!

Neal posing at the Red Fort, Old Delhi

The intricate inlay at the Red Fort

One of the many beautiful water channels running the grounds of the Red Fort

We bought this beard for only 50 rupees!! Sadly, the guards at the Taj Mahal gave it the no-no finger.

Our picturesque photo at the Taj, containing as few people as possible on a typically crowded day

One of the many amazing birds of India, drinking from the sprinkler

Neal blinded by the beautiful white marble

A rare side view of the Taj Mahal, Agra

Neal pulling off the hobo look as we sit between cars on the 4-hour train ride home

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